고객과 소통하는 맞춤 웨딩 컨설팅
미국에서 생활하면서 우연한 기회에 친구의 결혼식에 갔다가
플로리스트이자 파티플래너 웨딩플래너 일에
호감을 가지게 되었습니다
그래서 학교도 다니고 하우스웨딩의 데코와 진행과정을 배우게 되었습니다
열정 하나로만 배우게 되었던 플로리스트이자 파티플래너인 생활은 저에게
또다른 도전이었습니다
언어의 장벽과 문화의 차이로 힘들었지만
미국에서 웨딩데이의 많은 현장경험을 토대로 개인샵을 오픈하여
호텔예식 교회예식 골드코스 공원등 다양한 장소에서
많은 웨딩 및 파티를 진행하였습니다
한국에서는 웨딩플래너로서 신부님들과의 많은 진행과 경험을 토대로
웨딩에 있어 무엇이 중요하고 고객의 needs에 맞는 맞춤 컨설팅으로서
마이웨딩스토리가 새롭게 도약합니다
While I was living in the U.S., I happened to attend my friend's wedding ceremony.
At that time, I was quite interested in the field of the florist and party planner.
The wedding cultural of America is a so-called "House Wedding",
so I decided to enter a college a institute in order to learn
how to prepare all the procedure of wedding such as house wedding decorations.
Not only learning all courses to be a party planner and florist with
only-passion was an another challenge to me,
but also having a difficult time confronting language barrier and cultural differences.
However, all my experiences which I learned from the practical field trip,
for instance, a wedding at hotel, church, golf course, etc.
made me open my own shop in the U.S. and I did follow them through.
As a wedding planner in South Korea, We offer our customers customized-weddings,
which is fit for each one of brides on the basis of our know-how.
What is more important for weddings and Suitable weddings
for all customers' needs have "My Wedding Story" leap for the better future.
Customized-Wedding Consulting which is "Close-Rapport" with customers
Come and join, Mi-Sun Kim, The Wedding Planner who can read brides' mind.